Domaine la Courtade - Activités insulaires

Insular activities

You can find every activity and guided tour offered by the Tourist Office of Hyères on their website. You can also find access to practical information concerning your stay: hotels, restaurants, schedules and prices of the boat, beaches, mountain bike rental, and more.

For groups:

Porquerolles is a classified “Parc National” site. The company Esprit Parc National value men and women who, in the eleven national parks, share their passion for their terroir, their savoir-faire and nature.

Guides are also available to enable you to discover the island of Porquerolles and its terroir. You can find the different excursions offered on the website of Esprit Parc.


Where can you find our wines on the island?

Restaurants and delicatessens

  • Auberge Les Glycines
  • Côté Port
  • Il Pescatore
  • La Fringale
  • La Boulangerie de l'île
  • L'Alycastre
  • L'Arche de Porquerolles
  • L'Arbousier
  • L'Aventure
  • L'Escale
  • L'étal du boucher
  • Le Mas du Langoustier
  • L'Orangeraie
  • L'Oustaou du pécheur
  • Le Pelagos
  • Les p'tits plats (traiteur)
  • La plage d'Argent
  • Le Poisson Ivre
  • Le Porquerollais
  • O' Tobago
  • Porqualimentation - Supérette Utile
  • Villa Saint Anne


  • Auberge des Glycines
  • L'Arche de Porquerolles
  • Le Mas du Langoustier
  • L'Oustatou du Pécheur
  • Les Medes
  • Le Porquerollais
  • Villas Saint Anne


List of the bike rental agencies

You can find ten bike rentals on the island, based at the port.

Every address and contact detail are on the Tourist Office website.

  • La Bécane
  • Porquerolles à vélo
  • Le Pirate
  • Chez Nanard
  • Le Cycle Porquerollais
  • La Méduse
  • Bike Shop - L'île aux trésors
  • Electric' Bike Shop
  • La Team
  • L'Indien


How can we get there?


During the summer season, between July and August especially, it is necessary to book your seats on the boat in advance online.

From La Tour Fondue : 15 minutes.

If you are coming from another city, you can find all the practical information concerning the boats on the Porquerolles Tourist Office website.


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Nos Points de Ventes

Domaine sur l’Île de Porquerolles
Vignes, oenotourisme et restaurant
Chemin de Notre Dame –
83400 HYERES
+33 (0)4 94 58 31 44
Caveau à Hyères
Boutique et dégustation
488 Route de la Crau –
83400 HYERES
+33 (0)4 94 35 20 65